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Veterinary Insurance – Veterinarian Insurance

Learn more about veterinary insurance through our unique Veterinarian Insurance program.

Contact usfor a no obligation veterinary insurance quote today!

What Is Veterinarian Insurance?

Veterinary insuranceis businessinsurancethat helps protect your practice from the unique risks you face. A Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) is an excellent foundation forveterinarian insurance. It helps protect your practice like a homeowners policy helps protect your home and personal belongings.

As a veterinarian, you know what it means to provide expert care and comfort to both animals and their owners. We want to make sure that your practice receives that same level of care.

 Veterinarian Insurance

As a veterinarian or animal services specialist, you know what it means to provide expert care and comfort to both animals and their owners. Allen Financial wants to make sure that your practice receives that same level of care. People entrust veterinarians with the care and well-being of their beloved pets. Most people consider their pets to be family and depend on your veterinary expertise for their animals well-being. In addition to the typical risks most small businesses face, like property damage or loss of records, the complexities of running a veterinary practice can exposure your business to unique risks, and vulnerabilities. Learn about the veterinary and therapeutic animal insurance coverage your business typically needs.

Tailored protection for Veterinarians & Equine Therapeutic Services businesses in one portfolio.

Our Veterinary Insurance Program is a preferred insurance policy designed specifically for veterinarians, kennels, and animal hospitals.

Allen Financial’s Veterinary Insurance – Veterinarian Insurance Program policy provides coverage for buildings and/or personal property at the described premises. Insured’s and their employees are protected from business liability for bodily injury, property damage, professional liability, personal injury or advertising injury. Care, custody and control or bailee coverage is included in the package.

AFIG’s Veterinarian insurance program provides outstanding protection for thousands of animal service businesses throughout the United States. This comprehensive program gives you the ability to combine broad property, liability, commercial auto, bonds, workers compensation and umbrella coverage with low preferred rates. The program is currently limited to Pet & Equine Veterinary Practices.

Veterinary Insurance
Policy Highlights
  • National A rated, Admitted Company
  • Preferred Rates – Immediate Quotes
  • Monthly Payment Plan
  • 24 / 7 Claims Service
  • Professional Liability Option
  • Safety & Risk Management Programs

Policy Coverage & Options
  • Veterinary Business Owner Policy
  • Equine & Large Animal Practices
  • Equine Dentistry
  • Equine Therapeutic Practitioners
  • Equine Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Horse Massage & Chiropractic

Policy Coverage & Options
  • Boarding & Breeding Kennels
  • Artificial Insemination Services
  • Exotic Animal Services

Business Liability Insurance

Our comprehensive commercial liability policy offers coverage beyond the industry standard. We have enhanced this program specifically for your veterinary service business. At no additional cost to you, our Animals Services Liability policy includes unique coverage essential to those in your industry. If your business is held legally liable for damage to your client’s property, this policy will pay up to the full limit of the policy…without a deductible. Included in our general liability policy is coverage for claims arising from the products you sell or the services you complete. Our liability insurance protects you if you are responsible for damage to the property of others. We extend this coverage to include borrowed equipment that’s damaged at your office while it is not being used.

Commercial General Liability Limits
Occurrence$100k – $10mil
General Aggregate$200k -$10mil
Aggregate Products / Completed Operations$200k – $10mil
Personal / Advertising Injury$100k -$10mil
Fire Legal Liability$50,000
Medical Payment$5,000
Veterinary - Veterinarian - Veterinarian Insurance - Veterinary Insurance
Property Insurance

The Veterinarian Insurance – Ultra Animal Program policy has been developed specifically to meet the unique practice insurance needs of veterinarians. The policy is designed to help keep your practice open so you can serve your clients. Property coverage features include:

  • Building, Business, Personal Property & Inventory
  • Business Interruption – Actual loss sustained 12 months
  • Spoilage or Contamination
  • Outdoor Signs
  • Exterior building glass
  • Credit Card – charges uncollectible as a result of an insured loss: $2,500
  • Water Backup and Overflow – from sewers, drains or sumps: $5,000
  • Business Income is extended to include Power Failure.
  • Mechanical breakdown coverage
  • Fine Arts
  • Sign Coverage
  • Employee dishonesty and crime coverage
  • Coverage for computer equipment media, data programs and communications equipment
Professional Liability Insurance

Professional liability insurance policies can cover judgments, attorney fees, court costs and settlements. Even if claims are found to be unwarranted, extended litigation can drain a company’s cash reserves in a heartbeat or even cause bankruptcy. Every veterinarian working at the practice should carry an individual policy. Coverage automatically extends to your non-veterinarian employees.

Additional Insured’s

If a written contract requires you to name someone else as an additional insured on your policy, we’ll automatically extend that status to them. We will also provide them with primary coverage if they require it of you.

Care, Custody & Control

If you hospitalize, board, or transport animals, you could be held accountable for many things that happen to them while in your care. This optional endorsement covers damage to animals in your care resulting from fire, wind, theft, escape, flood, vandalism, attack from other animals, and many other perils not related to treatment.

Business Income & Extra Expense

A Veterinarian Insurance business owners policy offers business interruption coverage with no waiting period; may be excluded for premium credit. Coverage options include:

  • Payroll expenses
  • Extra Expenses incurred
  • Cost of transferring operations to another site, including rent
  • Cost of outside services
  • Lost income as a result of your business interruption
  • Extended business income after your property is restored
Business Crime & Employee Dishonesty

This enhanced veterinary insurance package program will protect you against losses resulting from employee dishonesty or forgeries. Veterinarian insurance will also provide coverage for your money and securities on-premises and in-transit.

Veterinary Insurance

Veterinarian Insurance - Veterinary Insurance

Contact us by phone (800) 874-9191, FAX (602) 992-8327
or email below for more Veterinary Insurance – Veterinarian Insurance information.

Veterinary Insurance
