Commercial Equine Liability Insurance
Commercial Equine Liability Insurance
By: Allen Financial Insurance Group
What is Commercial Equine Liability Insurance?
If you perform any of these activities on rented or owned premises, you need a commercial equine liability policy, even if you have other coverage that protects you for general liability exposures. This coverage is designed specifically for all types of horse-related businesses, such as: boarding, breeding, racing, training, riding instruction, horse sales, horse shows, clinics, personal/pleasure horses and team roping/penning practices. We also have coverage for independent horse trainers and riding instructors.
Do you need Commercial Equine Insurance?
If you board, breed, race, train, give riding instruction or conduct any kind of business related equine activity you need a Commercial Equine Liability Insurance policy.
A Commercial Equine Liability Insurance policy pays the damages for liability imposed upon you or your business by the law. It also pays the cost of defending you when a claim is made against your policy.
The Equestrian Group Commercial Agribusiness Insurance Program offers some of the industry’s broadest and most comprehensive coverage available to the equine business owner at a competitive preferred price.
Contact usfor a no obligation commercial equine liability insurance quote today
We can cover any horse related business
- Auctions & Sales
- Arena’s and Stadiums
- Boarding, Breeding & Training Stables
- Carriage & Wagon Rides
- Guest Ranches
- Equine Assisted Therapy
- Equine Dentistry
- Farrier’s Insurance
- Guided Trail Ride Insurance
- Horse Hauling
- Horse Rescue & Adoption
- Horse Shows & Clinics
- Outfitters & Guided Trail Rides
- Polo Clubs & Polo Grounds
Pony Rides & Petting Zoo - Racing Stables
- Race Tracks
- Riding Clubs & Associations
- Riding Instruction
- Rodeo Events
- Therapeutic Riding
The Equestrian Group occupies a unique niche in the horse community. We offer a hands-on attentive approach to our customers needs. We also give our clients the broad protection and competitive rates only available through national marketing and high volume insurance company relationships. We take a “total business” approach to risk management and problems solving. Our legal and engineering staff custom design forms and contracts for our clients to include essential risk management language. That means you deal with less paperwork and get more protection.
Coverage Highlights
Occurrence | $100,000 – $1,000,000 |
General Aggregate | $200,000 – $2,000,000 |
Aggregate Products/Operations | $200,000 – $2,000,000 |
Personal Injury / Advertising Injury | $100,000 – $1,000,000 |
Medical | $5,000 |
Fire Legal Liability | $100,000 |
- A+ rated insurance company
- Full Occurrence Liability Basis
- Up to $10 million liability limits
- Commercial liability applies in the U.S. & Canada
- Participant Coverage Option
- Products/Completed Operations coverage
- Personal Injury & Advertising Liability
- Professional Equine Liability Coverage Option
- No Liability Deductible
- Trainers Professional Liability
- $5,000 medical payments included
- Defense cost paid in excess of policy limit
- Employees are named as Additional Insured
- Extended coverage for Additional Insured
- Independent contractors can be added to policy
- Care, Custody & Control Liability Options
- Horse Show & Special Events coverage available
- Convenient payment options
Things You Should Know
Coverage is written on an full occurrence basis (not claims made) through a domestic, A rated insurance company and tailored to fit your specific stable operations and budget.
Homeowner and standard farm owner insurance policies completely exclude your equine business pursuits. Please visit our Reference Library for specific examples of litigation and court precedents that could apply to you.
Care Custody & Control Exclusion
All Commercial General Liability policies contain an exclusion for property damage to property in the insured’s care custody and control. The policy states “This insurance does not apply to: (h) property damage to (3) property in the care, custody or control of the insured or property as to which the insured is for any purpose exercising physical control”.
This exclusion was designed to exclude coverage for damage to property that should be covered under insurance specifically designed for property, such as bailee insurance, fire insurance and so on. Further, the exclusion takes out of coverage risks that the drafters believed were the business risks that should be borne by the business persons themselves. This exclusion applies to a boarder’s horse and any tack or equipment they may leave at your premises.
Equine Liability Lawsmay help you provide a defense in the event of an equine incident but they will not prevent you from being sued. Homeowners and standard Farm owners policiesexcludecommercial equine activities. Without adequate liability coverage you will have to pay damages and defense costs yourself. If these damages and costs are high enough you may suffer financial hardship or bankruptcy.
Liability policies are designed to help protect you if you are sued by a third party who is injured or whose property is damaged. A third party is generally someone who is not a family member or employee. The policy covers defense costs and pays claims for which you are legally liable up to the policy limits.
If you have employees you should carry workman’s compensation insurance as they are not covered under the general liability policy. You should also make sure that any independent contractors or vendors that work with you show proof of their own liability insurance and ask that you be named as an Additional Insured on their policy. This is especially true if they are an independent instructor or trainer working at your facility.
Why Do I Need Commercial Equine Liability Insurance?
If you operate an equestrian business or organize equine events, you know how much planning and effort is involved to make the occasion both safe and successful for everyone involved. Even with the most careful planning, unexpected situations can arise that you might not be prepared for. Without adequate liability protection you will have to pay damages and defense costs yourself. If the damages and costs are high enough you may suffer financial hardship or bankruptcy.
What Does The Commercial Equine General Liability Insurance Policy Cover?
This policy was specifically designed to protect your event anywhere in the United States, it’s territories or Canada. The general liability policy will pay the damages imposed upon you or your business by the law. It also pays the cost of defending you when a claim is made against your policy. Coverage is written on a full occurrence basis by an Admitted, A rated US insurance company and is tailored to fit your specific event needs. The policy will also add the premises owner, venue, sponsors, volunteers and co-producers as additional insureds.
Certificate of Insurance vs Additional Insured Endorsement:
When producing a special event you will often be asked to provide a certificate of insurance to verify the existence of insurance coverage under specific conditions. More specifically, the document lists the effective date of the policy, the type of insurance coverage purchased, and the types and dollar amount of applicable liability.
Frequently, another party such as the venue or a sponsor will ask to be named as an additional insured on your policy. The additional insured then enjoys the benefits of being insured under your policy your for negligent acts and omissions but not for his own negligence.
Additional Insured Endorsement explained
What is Third Party Property Damage Liability (Care, Custody, Control Liability)
Most liability policies have provisions that exclude coverage for physical damage or loss to property while it is in the care, custody or control of the insured. Care, Custody, Control Liability (also known as Third Party Property Damage) is an optional coverage that will pay for negligent injury to horses under your control.
What is Waiver of Subrogation?
Very often, a contract or lease agreement will require one or both parties to waive their rights of subrogation. Subrogation means one party has the right to “step into the shoes” of another party for the purposes of bringing a claim for damages. Suppose you experience a financial loss due to the negligence of a third party. Normally you could sue the responsible party for full restitution but if your insurance company pays the claim your insurer is then subrogated to your claim against the negligent party. In essence, your insurance company has been given your rights of recovery after paying your claim. Before you sign a contract containing a waiver of subrogation, check with your insurance agent to be sure you are not violating any of the terms of your insurance policy. If your policy will not permit a waiver, you may be in danger of losing your insurance coverage, leaving you without policy proceeds or a cause of action against the other party. If the insurance company does permit a waiver of subrogation, it may be necessary to obtain an endorsement to the policy and, in some cases, pay an additional premium.
Reference Information