Rodeo Insurance – Rodeo Event Insurance – Rodeo Liability
The Equestrian Group Rodeo Event Insurance – Rodeo Liability & PRCA Rodeo Insurance

Every year millions of horsemen participate in special events ranging from horse shows to parades to rodeos. Finding just the right kind of equine special event liability insurance can be difficult and costly. Allen Financial through it’s specialty Equestrian Group underwriting division has created this comprehensive and affordable short term liability policy.
It’s important that your Rodeo Insurance – Rodeo Event Insurance – Rodeo Liability insurance policy is provided by an A rated company with a national presence, strong financial background and established equine expertise. The Equestrian Group offers this stability through it’s Equine Special Events Division. The Equestrian Group has served horse owners for over 40 years. Our knowledgeable agents, underwriters and claims staff possess the experience and training to handle all facets of your equine insurance.
The horse show insurance, rodeo Insurance ,rodeo event Insurance,rodeo Liability and Equine special event liability policy extends coverage to the show organization. Premises owners, show officials, committee members, judges, volunteers may be included as additional insured’s. Coverage is written on an occurrence basis through an admitted, A rated insurance company.
The bell rings. The chute opens. The bull rages and the crowd roars. Will the rider stay on and tame the beast? Or will the bull simply toss him off like a rag doll? That’s the thrill and the risk of the rodeo.That’s what makes it exciting and fun. But there are other risks, unnecessary risks, that you don’t want to expose yourself to. That’s where high-quality rodeo insurance can protect you from the dangers you face on the job.
Weighing The Risks
- Rodeo is one of the fastest growing sports with one of the highest rates of injury.
- College rodeo athletes face a 89% chance of getting injured each year. This doubles the rate of injury (47%) of college football players.
- Rodeo clowns are the most injured non-contestants in a rodeo at a 77.4% injury rate.
Who Needs Rodeo Liability Insurance?
It takes organizers, sponsors, contestants, spectators, rodeo clowns and many more to stage a rodeo. Who can benefit from rodeo insurance? Here’s a quick review of the individuals and organizations:
- Rodeo sanctioning organizations
- Committees
- Directors
- Officers
- Contestants
- Volunteers
- Paid workers
- Event sponsors
- Landowners
- Rodeo stock contractors
Also, here are the events that can use this type of insurance coverage:
- Rodeo and livestock shows
- Horse expositions
- Bull riding competitions
The rodeo includes a diverse group of individuals who require many different types of coverage. They need to protect property, buildings, animals, contestants, volunteers, other workers and spectators from injuries and even death. The organizers and sponsors also need to protect themselves from risks like weather or catastrophic events that can cause huge financial losses when a rodeo can’t go on as planned.

Rodeo Policy Description
Occurrence | $1,000,000 |
General Aggregate | $2,000,000 |
Aggregate Products / Completed Operations | $1,000,000 |
Personal / Advertising Injury | $1,000,000 |
Medical Payments | $5,000 |
Fire Legal Liability | $100,000 |
Additional Coverage
Livestock Insurance
Liquor Liability
Rodeo Stock Contractor Liability
Weather / Event Cancellation
Non-Appearance Coverage
Inland Marine / Equipment
Commercial Automobile
Excess / Umbrella Liability
Rodeo Insurance – Rodeo Event Insurance – Rodeo Liability
Equine Special Event Types:
Rodeo Insurance
Festivals & Concerts
Horse Expositions
Horse Shows
Barrel Racing
Clinics & Seminars
Cutting & Reining
Drill Team Performance
Mounted Shooting
Roping Events
Steer Wrestling
Trail Rides
Things you Should Know:
Why Do I Need Special Event Liability Insurance?
What Does The Special Event General Liability Policy Cover?
Certificate of Insurance vs Additional Insured Endorsement
When producing a special event you will often be asked to provide a certificate of insuranceto verify the existence of insurance coverage under specific conditions.More specifically, the document lists the effective date of the policy, the type of insurance coverage purchased, and the types and dollar amount of applicable liability.
Frequently, another party such as the venue or a sponsor will ask to be named as an additional insured on your policy. The additional insured then enjoys the benefits of being insured under your policy your for negligent acts and omissions but not for his own negligence.
What is the Difference between Host Liquor and Liquor Liability coverage?
Host Liquor Liability Insurance provides protection for the event holder against bodily injury or property damage suits brought by parties whose injuries arise from actions of an intoxicated event guest. Host Liquor Liability coverage applies only if there is no transfer of money for alcohol or service/product packages that include alcohol. If there is any money changing hands and alcohol is served, Host Liquor Liability coverage does not apply, only Liquor Liability coverage will provide the proper protection. Host liquor liability insurance is included at no additional charge with an AFIG Event Liability Insurance Policy.
Liquor Liability or Dram Shop Coverage provides coverage and defense for an event holder who charges for alcohol and is sued for bodily injury or property damage caused by intoxicated event guests. If there is any money changing hands and alcohol is served, Liquor Liability coverage provides the proper protection. It also provides coverage if the event holder violates any statute, ordinance or regulation relating to the sale, gift, distribution or use of alcoholic beverages. Liquor Liability Insurance is an optional coverage available when purchasing an AFIG Event Liability Insurance.